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"A creative and bold masterpiece from James Hyland... James Hyland’s adaptation of the classic story The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a sharp, fresh, outstanding showpiece. The compelling plot undertakes a bold intertwining of the traditional story with an element of wonder...The show is truly a grand spectacle. Hyland’s performance is magnificent- his ability to flawlessly change characters is fabulous. Furthermore, his physicality for each role was breathtaking from the different accents to gait; everything he did was brilliantly well-thought-of. On a focus point, the switching between Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde was incredible and so clear. The correcting of clothing when Hyland altered back to Doctor Jekyll showing the disarray and shock the character felt towards Hyde was a clever, subtle choice Phil Lowe’s direction clearly aided this triumph. To add, the minimal set and lighting were perfect to allow Hyland’s acting to flourish.... The pacing of the show and the length of the play were faultless... Hyland’s adaptation of The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde was truly magnificent. From the number of different roles, Hyland was able to exquisitely play in such a small amount of time was perfection. The writing was superb... everything about this show is a masterpiece and worth watching."

Rating: ★★★★★



"THE BEST PIECE OF ACTING I'VE SEEN ALL YEAR... Wow! When I left James Hyland’s performance of STRANGE CASE OF DR JEKYLL AND MR HYDE, I was completely blown away and couldn’t wait to share my thoughts. The play is based on the book by Robert Louis Stevenson but has been cleverly adapted to be told in the first person, starting with Dr Jekyll diving into a lecture in which he will explain his scientific discovery about the duality of humankind. It was a stylistic choice that I found particularly effective, as it meant that we, as the audience, were involved immediately. Jekyll (pronounced Jee-kull in this performance) gives us some context about his work and sets the scene. This Jekyll at the start is authoritative, intelligent and passionate about his work. But you can very quickly see that he’s suppressing an alternative self from his tics and momentary lapses in composure. Hyland is showing us that Mr Hyde is right there – just below the surface... Hyland’s portrayal of Hyde is masterful; Hyde staggers across the stage, slurring his monstrous words and leering menacingly. We’re shown all of the havoc Mr Hyde wreaks... the actions are so perfect and his narrative so gripping, that I found myself grimacing and struggling to look... I felt I was right there with these characters... In this performance, Hyland demonstrates a level of skill that I’ve rarely seen in my year and a bit of reviewing. So when I chatted to him afterwards, I had to know his secret. In his words, it’s to “rehearse, rehearse, rehearse”. And I’m sure he’ll be pleased to know that the effort certainly paid off. I’d recommend this show, and future performances of Hyland’s, to anyone – especially to any aspiring actors out there."

Rating: ★★★★★



"Award-winning actor James Hyland proves how talented he is, and sets a very high standard for theatrical performance.... James Hyland knows exactly what he’s doing and it’s a pleasure to watch someone with this incredible level of talent... Hyland’s adaptation and performance is out of Robert Louis Stevenson’s world... James Hyland is a genius. He has to be. No one ‘ordinary’ could do what he did... He performs, or rather becomes, every character... The level of realism in this performance only comes with a great deal of time and effort. And it is clear Hyland and director Phil Lowe have invested a lot of their selves to create an authentic and polished performance. And as an audience, you feel thankful they did... Hyland has thrown everything he has to produce something extraordinary, and the result is a memorable, compelling and five star piece of theatre."

Rating: ★★★★★



"in the hands of the outstandingly talented James Hyland, both adaptor and performer, it becomes a very meaty piece indeed... it's a bravura Brechtian-style performance... Hyland acts with every finger... The voice change is impeccably managed too... So adept is Hyland at all this that he really does create an illusion of there being several actors present because he is almost unrecognisable as he switches role... Don't miss it on tour."

Rating: ★★★★★

~Susan Elkin, WHAT'S ON STAGE


"The product is outstanding and original. Hyland’s ability to manipulate his audience is extremely impressive; nervous laughter became genuine at times and at others would trail off into whimpers of fear... The characterisation of Hyde had me squirming in my seat; who needs make up or special effects to assist a gruesome transformation when your physical theatre skills are second to none?"

Rating: ★★★★★

~Lily Grouse, WHAT'S PEEN SEEN


"James Hyland seamlessly transforms into all of the characters of this one-man play, as his body contorts and bends into the darkness of the London back streets... Dare you sit on the front row!... A fantastic actor... Don't just take my word for it. Go and see it wherever you can."

Rating: ★★★★★



"There aren't many people who can claim they haven't come across Robert Louis Stevenson's 'Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' in one form or another, whether it be via his original 1886 novella or its subsequent and numerous adaptations of stage and screen. Therefore, it came as a great surprise when I was shocked out of my seat by the sheer imaginative scale of James Hyland's brilliantly original take on this famous horror story. Performing this one-man show himself in the Brechtian form of a lecture, Hyland expertly portrays the hypocritical Dr Henry Jekyll, with all his various tics, as well as an intriguing assortment of London citizens including women and children, but it is his depiction of the monstrous Edward Hyde that truly takes one's breath away. So realistic was his performance, I found myself choking on my wine at one point! Never have I seen such an accomplished display of physical theatre artistry. The transformation scene alone is worth the price of a ticket. A masterpiece in every respect, Hyland's multifaceted portrayal ranks as one of the very best performances I've seen on stage. Utterly unmissable."

Rating: ★★★★★



"Brother Wolf strip back Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic story to focus on the human mind in a way that provokes discussion and sends fear rippling through the audience. With the run time being an hour James Hyland condenses and focuses the story through the eyes of Jekyll, who is presenting the findings of his experiment as a lecture which works well with the psychology of the piece... Hyland not only adapts the piece but performs it too. At the start he appears as the upstanding Doctor, it’s not long into the show when little glimpses of Mr Hyde come through. Hyland moves between characters in a split second with jerk movements helping this. It’s slick and it’s terrifyingly fast how quick he transforms from one to the other in mind, body and voice. During this performance, it was so tense one audience member gasped with a curse and it was understandable as Hyland had the onlookers in the palm of his hand listening to his every word. You didn’t know what he was going to do and get that stuck in the play you question just how far the character would go and how the night will end... It all leads up to the climactic end which was a terrifying but gripping experience. It’s not for the faint hearted, particularly if you sit in the front row but this classic gothic horror has been transformed into a spine tingling piece of theatre that will leave you with your heart in your mouth."

Rating: ★★★★★



"A man stands before a lectern, to present the findings of an experiment before representatives of a sceptical medical establishment. The man is Dr Henry Jekyll, and his experiment - to demonstrate that a man has essentially two, dual personalities – is viewed as both blasphemous and scientifically impossible. Over the next hour, James Hyland – in a mesmerising tour-de-force performance – physically portrays the ‘success’ of Dr Jekyll’s experiment, in his embodiment of evil personified: Edward Hyde. Everyone knows the story of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde: at least its basic themes. The struggle between good and evil; outward Victorian respectability vs. private immorality; hypocrisy and religious intolerance, with dashes of Freud and Darwin thrown in. Stevenson’s novella has been adapted for stage and screen countless times, but here we have the essence of the story, stripped away of most of the characters. There’s no Utterson, or Poole, and Lanyon’s presence is fleeting. And there are no props on the otherwise bare stage than the lectern... Everything rests, as it always does in a one-man Brother Wolf production, on the incredible skill and talent of James Hyland. He transforms from Henry Jekyll into Edward Hyde slickly and seamlessly – with a jerk of the head, an arm gesture, a change of voice... each character is superbly, individually defined. And Hyland’s Edward Hyde is truly, terrifyingly evil... This is raw, gripping and powerful theatre, which demonstrates not only James Hyland’s intelligence and originality in adapting classic Victorian literature for the pared down intimacy of solo stage performance, but it also showcases an actor of practised skill, at the very height of his powers. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde was first performed in 2013, and has since toured periodically around the country. Do not miss the chance of seeing it, or, for that matter, any other of Brother Wolf’s wonderful shows, if it appears at a theatre near you."



"The duality of man and the extremes of behaviour we are capable of have long been subjects of debate in society. Robert Louis Stevenson was particularly fascinated by these extremes, a fascination that inspired his timeless novella, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. In this Brother Wolf production, the story is powerfully adapted into a monologue, performed by the exceptionally talented James Hyland. The play begins with Hyland as Dr. Jekyll, delivering what seems to be a final lecture to the Royal College of Surgeons on the duality of mankind. Though this adaptation doesn't follow the novella to the letter, it profoundly captures the spirit of Stevenson's tale. As Jekyll narrates his journey of self-destruction, the story unfolds with gripping intensity... Hyland's performance as the morally superior yet hypocritical Jekyll is nothing short of phenomenal. However, it is his portrayal of Hyde that truly elevates the production. Hyland transforms his entire presence to embody the creeping horror and unpredictability of Hyde, creating a chilling atmosphere that keeps the audience on edge. Every possible nuance of body language and form is employed, along with an array of chilling accents, to accentuate his madness. His transformation in front of the audience is masterfully done and truly terrifying; despite knowing the story, I couldn’t predict what action his character would take next. The direction by Phil Lowe ensures that this adaptation is a brilliantly gothic horror experience, leaving the audience on edge and uneasy throughout... This is a story deeply ingrained in our modern culture, having influenced countless thrillers and horror tales. Hyland does justice to the hubris of Jekyll and the terrifying essence of Hyde. The production would be a worthy addition to the West End, much like the monologue adaptation of Dorian Gray earlier this year. Despite knowing the story's outcome, I found myself with literal chills, riveted by Hyde's unpredictable menace. If you're a fan of gothic horror, thrillers, or narratives that explore the consequences of scientific overreach, then this is the show for you."

Rating: ★★★★

~Steph Capper, THEATRE & TONIC


"Robert Louis Stevenson's novella comes to life in this stripped back one man performance of the most chilling tale you'll see this Summer... We've all know the general premise of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde in some form or another, but this performance not only told the story of the evil in humanity, but actively brought the audience into it. This was a tense performance from the start, as James Hyland, as Dr Jekyll, gives a lecture to a room of fellow surgeons about human nature, but on another level, he invites the audience into his gripping story - and makes them complicit in his crimes... Despite there being only one man on the stage, it felt as though multiple characters were in the room with us. Hyland's transformations between Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde were thrilling to watch, his physical acting brought each character to life: the prim and proper doctor with an unsettling edge, the terrifyingly murderous man who visits him, and the petrifying merging of personalities... the story too was full of depth and layers. Hyland blends the tale of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde with an interesting commentary about today's society, forcing us to consider how, whilst we blame our vices on outside influences, we all have an innate capacity to do bad deeds... He holds up a mirror to the audience, and to society, in a dramatic ending that leaves you pondering the human experience."

Rating: ★★★★

~Kashmini Shah, VOICE MAGAZINE


"From the very beginning, the performance is intense and utterly engaging. The sheer physicality of Hyland’s performance left me feeling breathless, but he did not pause as he transformed seamlessly into various characters. He bends and contorts his body to embody evil incarnate in the form of Mr Hyde... Hyland’s incredible bodily control allowed him to perfectly and convincingly portray Jekyll’s loss of control. His retching and burping when standing upright as the uptight doctor showed the ways that the façade of gentlemanliness was slipping. Hyland is convincing as the titular duo of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, and as a whole host of supporting characters... It was unforgettable and intense and hypnotically gruesome while existing as a piece of theatre that takes place predominantly in your mind. Hyland’s performance is raw and phenomenal, but it is his voice and vivid descriptions that keep you on the edge of your seat. If you are looking for an evening of light entertainment, this is not the show for you. However, if you want to spend an hour in the presence of psychopathic evil without restraint, I cannot recommend this enough!"

Rating: ★★★★

~Francesca Killoran, THE LIVE REVIEW


"Dr Jekyll gives a final lecture on the duality of mankind directly to the audience. With stark lighting and the actor’s only prop a lectern we are taken into the world of evil. James Hyland brilliantly transforms from the respectable Dr Jekyll to the evil Mr Hyde... His performance is a master class in the use of body, voice and space. The transitions from one character to another are mesmerising."

Rating: ★★★★

~Jessica Holt, THE ARCHER


"gripping and sometimes terrifying... completely faithful is the sense of fear generated by Hyland’s commanding performance... his connection with the audience is instant... This play is not recommended for anyone who needs a good night’s sleep."

Rating: ★★★★

~Stephen Bates, THE REVIEWS HUB


"Hyland’s performance is to be highly commended... raw and horrific... exhilarating"

Rating: ★★★★

~Emma Hardy, PLAYS TO SEE


"Doubly chilling... a one-man version of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde with a dark focus on the duality of humankind... It’s a production in which Robert Louis Stevenson’s novella is transformed into a lecture by Dr Jekyll to the Royal Society of Surgeons. As he expounds on his theory about the duality of humankind, his association with the pale and dwarfish Edward Hyde is revealed through a series of increasingly chilling scenes. Hyland’s transformation in character from the tail-coated, bearded and repressed Jekyll to the gnarled, limping but louche Hyde would be impressive in itself... Remarkable too is the amount of tension he creates without the aid of a soundscape or flash lighting effects... nerve-jangling new production"

Rating: ★★★★

~Susan Darlington, THE MORNING STAR


"The show and James were awe-inspiring. In a sense, I felt I had time travelled to 1880s London... It was amazing to see the transformation from the respectable, professional Dr Jekyll to the evil Edward Hyde...  All I want to say is that Brother Wolf’s Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is brilliantly written by James Hyland, and the performance blew me away, so if in the future you do have the chance to see it, do, I certainly will."



"Based on the well-known novella by Robert Louis Stevenson, this is a one-man tour-de-force that will leave you breathless, stirred and shaken but at the same time probably feeling like you have witnessed one of the best monologue performances on stage for some time. We all know the story of Jekyll & Hyde—in fact the phrase is part of our culture to describe a person who is unpredictable in character. Stevenson had a fascination for personality extremes and wrote this short story based on a couple of high profile murder cases of his day, one of which involved a personal friend. But how do you stage a plot that involves major physical transformation and gory murder with only one actor and a lectern?... This is an incredible performance by an actor at the top of his game. Drawing us in from the start, Hyland is totally believable both as the doctor and his evil twin, layering his performance alternately with tension and horror yet at no time changing costume or having any other prop than the lectern... Absorbing, atmospheric and terrifying, this is a raw, visceral retelling that doesn’t spare details of the gruesome mutilations or the vile thoughts behind Hyde’s actions. By the end, we were all on the edge of our seats wondering what would happen. This is an incredible performance, not for the faint-hearted but well worth seeing if you can catch it on tour."



"Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde was entertaining and disturbing – all at the same time. Thrill seekers looking for some Halloween scares sat in the dimly lit room of the MET inside Stafford Gatehouse Theatre last night, not knowing what to expect from actor and producer James Hyland. What immediately became apparent was Mr Hyland’s incredible ability to shift between two characters which were one and the same, yet so distinctly different...We found ourselves repulsed by the murderous actions of Mr Hyde, which were described so vividly that it was impossible to look away... It was a fantastic use of theatre of the mind, which is so depended upon with such a solo performance. A constant sense of suspense and anticipation kept the audience at the edge of their seats, and this came to a head when the lights began to dim... It was very tense and delivered upon the need for that feeling of deep dread and unease that only gothic horror can provide. A fantastic, powerful and frightful performance."



"One of the most mesmerising and terrifying performances you'll ever see... James Hyland’s stunning one-man show... This award-winning actor never fails to amaze. There were no Hammer Horror-style props such as smoking potions or racks of test tubes... The language was sometimes shocking but always mesmerising as he filled the auditorium with blood-curdling screams... Hyland is no stranger to darkly fascinating productions. Fagin’s Last Hour (his take on Dickens’ Oliver Twist) and A Christmas Carol (as told by Jacob Marley’s ghost) are the works of genius... Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is an emotional roller-coaster which keeps the audience on the edge of its seats right up to, and including, the last line."



"On Thursday evening, eighty students from Yr 9 attended the gripping one-man show, 'Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' at the The Blake Theatre. In a mesmerising performance by actor James Hyland, this piece of gripping immersive theatre had the boys on the edge of their seats throughout the performance. An additional highlight was the Q&A session that followed the show, with students asking incisive questions about the nature of the character, how to create believable transformations and how to find inspiration for their own writing. Boys were unanimous in their praise of this entertaining and informative night which will start to form the background for their study of a Victorian novel in Year 10."



"JAMES Hyland brought his latest Brother Wolf production, 'The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde' to Ffwrnes — and once again it was of the highest standard. James doesn’t tell a story, but instead takes the audience on a journey with him — with just a turn of his head or a simple arm gesture he seamlessly moves from one character to the next and back again with ease. He had the audience spellbound with the tale of the fight between good and evil, which at times, had the more faint hearted hiding behind their hands. James is a master of the one-man shows and as usual, this show was the highest quality, which was truly deserving of the standing ovation he received."

~Robert Dalling, LLANELLI STAR


"This one is not for the faint hearted. It is powerful, intense, spellbinding and disturbing... James Hyland is a (and I choose this word carefully) bloody good actor... Don't go if you are of a nervous disposition. Do go if you want to see a storyteller par excellence."



"Hyland triumphs in Jekyll and Hyde... intense and unsettling... Hyland is an enthralling performer."



"magnificently intense, riveting theatre from one man"

~Charles Hutchinson, THE YORK PRESS


"The intensity of James Hyland's performance was, again, breathtaking... such a perfect piece of theatre... I loved it!"



"James Hyland's thrilling solo-drama ... not for the faint hearted... intense and compelling... a veritable tour-de-force performance"

~Carolin Kopplin, UK THEATRE NETWORK


"James Hyland triumphs... chilling and hair-raising storytelling... his array of talent is evident throughout this riveting adaptation... an hour of well-paced, sharp performance... compelling and repulsive at the same time... Hyland is so versatile in this production that it is hard to imagine a more excellent fit for the roles of Jekyll and Hyde to provide a gripping retelling of this powerful tale. Sophisticated and sharp, 'Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' is not a production to be missed."



"Impressively adapted, produced and performed by James Hyland, Hyland is a one man tour de force... This play is worth seeing for his performance alone... In fact, people even screamed in the audience. It is gruesome, scary and at some points downright uncomfortable, but it is a great piece of theatre... Scary it may be but it is also brilliant and James Hyland is a superb actor. Go and see."

~Catherine Balavage, FROST MAGAZINE


"'Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' is absolutely superb... Hyland is magnificent...Hyland inhabits each character completely, giving the impression that there is in fact more than one actor on stage... I was incredibly impressed by this brilliant show"



"this versatile and utterly engaging performer seamlessly becomes each of the characters he meets... with expertly accurate changes in vocals and physicality integrated smoothly within the flow of the piece... Another jewel in the Brother Wolf crown, this exciting and dramatic piece of theatre is a compelling hour that leaves the hearts of the audience racing.  Along with 'A Christmas Carol - As told by Jacob Marley (Deceased)' and 'Fagin's Last Hour', Brother Wolf's current repertoire is a list of exciting, unmissable theatre for lovers of thrilling storytelling. "



"Robert Louis Stevenson’s bogey novella, 'The Strange Case of Dr Jeykll and Mr Hyde', has been performed on stage and screen in many guises but James Hyland’s one man telling of this famous story is, without a doubt, unsurpassed. From the moment Hyland makes his entrance he has the audience in the palm of his hands... The story is at times gruesome and utterly disturbing in its content and Hyland conveys this so convincingly throughout the entire hour he is on stage. He never falters as he moves between the characters of the story... taking on the mantle of each character with much skill and delivering a performance that will leave you totally mesmerised, if not a little uneasy... Hyland’s performance is astounding, faultless in his delivery and so chillingly powerful... If the opportunity should arise, do go and see this masterpiece of a solo performance, you may feel uncomfortable by its content but you will feel elated by its delivery in that you have seen a piece of theatre of the highest calibre. Highly recommended."

~Sue Cartwright, SUE'S MUSINGS


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