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Copyright Notice

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. James Hyland has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of the following stage plays and the owner of their subsequent theatrical productions including any and all stagecraft therein contained: "A Christmas Carol - As told by Jacob Marley (deceased)" (© 2009), "Fagin's Last Hour" (© 2011), "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" (© 2013), "A Lesson from Auschwitz" (© 2015), "The Accountment of Luke" (© 2017), "The Mad Hatter's Tea Party" (© 2019),"Dracula's Guest" (© 2021) and "Silver & Gold" (© 2022). No portion or element of these works may be copied, distributed, adapted or reproduced in any way (including photocopying or storing them in any medium by electronic means) without the signed written permission of the copyright owner. Any unauthorised act in this respect may lead to legal proceedings, including a civil claim for damages. For the avoidance of doubt, please note that stage adaptations are considered new works and the copyright is owned solely by the adapter even if the original author of the source material died more than 70 years ago. For licensing requests please contact James Hyland, the copyright owner, at


"I have had to apply this copyright statement to my website as one of my plays has recently suffered a copyright infringement, which is currently in the hands of my company's solicitor." ~James Hyland, Copyright Owner


© 1998-2024 James Hyland

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