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"James Hyland gives a masterly one-man portrayal of the much-loved Charles Dickens Christmas classic as a livewire, otherworldly performance... Far from a cosy tale of festive redemption, this is Charles Dickens in ghost story extraordinaire mode. Our 2022 Hamilton Deane Award Winner, James Hyland, who also directs and produces; plays every character with no other prop than a wooden chair on a bare stage, and gives full range to all the disturbing characters Dickens created in the 1843 novella. Costume and make-up designer Nicki Martin-Harper ensures Hyland's dramatic entrance as Jacob Marley's Ghost is made in true Gothic spooktacular style. Coloured a deathly grey, Marley sports white contact lenses, which give an accurate representation of the book's description of the phantom's glare at Scrooge, delivered with "the chilling influence of its death-cold eyes".  His outfit is a triumph of Victorian decayed grandeur; he is harnessed with a chain which Dickens imagined as being made from "cash-boxes, keys, padlocks, ledgers, deeds and heavy purses wrought in steel". Has Marley arrived to enlighten Scrooge, the audience might wonder, or just frighten him to death? Hyland brings out the evil in all the characters, from the first glimpse of Scrooge "as a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner", to the "strange figure" of the Ghost of Christmas Past as a crouching goblinesque spirit, to the evil, simpering washerwoman who steals from Scrooge on his deathbed.

He portrays the protagonist as not just the famous caricature of grumpiness, but a human. Scrooge first weeps to see a vision of himself as a lonely boy and pities his "poor forgotten self"; and then later sees himself as a young man enjoying his work party, surrounded by former workmates who were "very much attached" to him. Hyland also draws the audience into the play rather than simply performs to them (as when a front row patron accidentally dropped their iPhone, and got a cheerful wink from Hyland as acknowledgement for the inadvertent interruption). This is the famous festive tale by Charles Dickens re-told as a frantic, funny, and livewire performance, with James Hyland glittering through milky irises at a spellbound audience."


Original Source: Download Here


"In my quest to collect all the Carols, I found myself at the White Bear pub in Kennington, which is a beautifully decorated Fuller’s that has a very cosy vibe to it, so was perfect for a pre-show hangout. A Christmas Carol, as told by Jacob Marley (deceased) is a Brother Wolf production starring James Hyland as the ghost of Jacob Marley. This one’s a very moody production that takes a look at the story from the perspective of Marley, who has been wandering the world in his heavy shackles and chains for almost two centuries. The weary, worn apparition gets a short reprieve from his torment to tell us of his greatest success, the story of Ebenezer Scrooge. The costume and make-up design for this show is superb, Hyland is suitably covered in grey paint, torn and soiled clothes held in shades of grey as well, with a loudly jangling chain wrapped around him, evoking the image of a long deceased Marley journeying through the world of the living to atone for his sins in life. The visuals are amazing for this small-scale production. As far as the story telling goes, this one is an absolute masterclass in one-man shows! The dynamic way in which Hyland embodies all the different characters with distinct voices, postures, facial expressions, is outstanding, energetically jumping from scene to scene and involving the audience at times. What a joy this show was, I cannot overstate how much fun this version of A Christmas Carol really is!"


Rating: ★★★★★

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"James Hyland is a powerfully talented actor and this is a strong and original way in to this familiar seasonal tale of redemption. Hyland shuffles painfully in, grunting, sighing, groaning and panting. He is master both of evocative sounds and mime. He looks terrifying in dusty grey make-up (designed by Nicki Martin-Harper) with red eyes and mouth cutting menacingly through it. Eventually he manages to shed his chains and tells us how he has came back from the dead to shake up his former business partner, Ebenezer Scrooge. The story which follows is, inevitably, pared down and some of the detail cut  because this show runs just 75 minutes. Hyland jumps (often literally) from one role to another and his voice work is splendid. He uses fortissimo partrician for Marley but gives us a whole range of others for the Cratchits, Scrooge’s nephew, the people in the pub and so on. His female voices are particularly effective. I have seen this show before: it’s one of several interesting, worthwhile one-man shows which Hyland does through his company, Brother Wolf. Last time, however, it was on a conventional stage so that there was definite fourth wall. It works especially well in the intimacy of the White Bear theatre with seating on two sides and no member of the audience more than a few feet away. It means he can pretend that we’re all guests at Mr Fezziwig’s party and that he is sometimes speaking direct to someone on the front row. It’s an intensely compelling performance."

Rating: ★★★★


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"James Hyland from Brother Wolf adapts and performs A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens from the perspective of Jacob Marley, in a one-man show about regret, hope, love, and gratitude. Jacob Marley enters the stage in a frightful manner, wearing the chains he forged in life - the chains that Ebenezer Scrooge is fated to wear, should he not turn his life around. Marley then narrates the well-known story of Scrooge in a stripped-back performance, allowing the message of Dickens's tale to shine through. The stage held only a chair and chain, and yet a whole world was created before the audience, just as James Hyland was the only actor on stage, yet was able to bring a whole cast to life. The characterisation of Jacob Marley was fantastic, from the ghostly makeup to the physical acting as he dragged around his chains. He then seamlessly transitioned into the other characters, each with distinct traits and voices, with their nature captured perfectly; the melancholy of Jacob, the familial love that Bob held, the gentle sadness of Belle (Scrooge's past lover), and the unerring hope of Fred (Scrooge's nephew), to name a few. The audience was invited into the home of the Cratchits through narration alone, as we were able to envision Bob and his family celebrating Christmas at the table with a goose and feel joy at their family bond. The play had one key success - its ability to incite emotion in the audience. A Christmas Carol is about the importance of gratitude and kindness, and James Hyland was able to make the audience feel pity for Scrooge, feel joyful with the Cratchits, and feel bittersweet hope by the end of the play. After all, whilst Scrooge may have learned his lesson in time, Jacob Marley, the narrator, remained in his chains of regret. We were reminded at the end of the play to remember the story told, and the audience will undoubtedly keep the words of Jacob Marley close to their hearts. We will all remember the tale about how kindness and gratitude are the happiest paths in life, not chasing wealth and greed. If you're looking for a unique rendition of a timeless tale, then this is the show for you!"

~Kashmini Shah, VOICE MAGAZINE

Rating: ★★★★★

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"The chains we forge in life are heavy. The sound and movement of James Hyland as Jacob Marley (Deceased), struggling to breathe, carrying the chains, navigating the stage with such expertise, inviting us to believe that a dead man could walk, talk, and morph into many other Dickensian characters without costume changes, yep, sold! My suspension of disbelief was well and truly suspended for the whole performance. To complement this, Chris Warner, composer and sound designer, added a delicious gothic array of disturbing morgue echoes. Well, what a special way to begin the festive season... Hyland is mankind! He literally jumps from character to character, from Marley to Scrooge, to the magpie people pinching deceased Scrooge’s belongings, even to the adorable Tiny Tim. Such energy. Such force. Genius. Hyland gives us strong flashes of Albert Finney, and Alastair Sim, at their darkest. He not only lights up the stage with his vibrant personality and skill, but terrifies us too, so much so that at times I was scared to look directly into his eyes. What make-up! Extraordinary work by costume and make-up designer Nicki Martin-Harper. In a happy memory of Christmas past, we are invited to a festive party to join the host, Scrooge’s old jolly boss Fezziwig, where Scrooge recognises people from the past, in the audience, making us feel part of the story. Scrooge sees himself as a young man. Regrets? He has a few…One haunting line that really stood out for me was that Scrooge is ‘aligned to the child’, Tiny Tim. The warning is that Scrooge’s decisions and ensuing actions in not giving the Cratchit family a living wage (Hyland so captures the zeitgeist, take note, greedy government and employers) could have grave consequences for the well-being of the poor Cratchit family, especially Tiny Tim. After his character development arc in gaining wisdom, Hyland’s portrayal as Scrooge speaking from a window, down to the boy who fetches the prizewinning turkey, is joyful and heartwarming (with only a chair as a prop, incredible!) and he captures the true essence of this precautionary tale... Do go and see this one-man-show if you can. You’ll have no regrets (Marley’s groan)."

~Deborah Edgeley, INK PANTRY

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"On Sunday night I was completely spell bound watching James Hyland perform A Christmas Carol, as told by Jacob Marley (Deceased). Hyland performs this one man show spectacularly well. Spinning from one character to another with ease whilst telling the story of Ebenezer Scrooge and the Christmas spirits who visit him. The set consisted of one chair. But that didn’t matter, because as soon as Hyland entered the audience was enthralled by his presence. He commanded the space with an energetic and physical performance, full of conviction and passion. A wonderful and impactful piece of theatre."

~Claire Faulkner, NANTWICH NEWS

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"A Christmas Carol- As told by Jacob Marley (Deceased) is a tremendous achievement... writer and sole actor James Hyland brings an energy and emotional range which reignites the charm of the original story... Where many one man shows fall down, Hyland thrives, moving between roles with a fluency and depth of character which is a wonder to watch... This production shows Hyland to be a rare phenomenon—a virtuoso performer who has mastered the one man show, able to write act and produce at the highest level. I look forward to seeing his other solo acts in the near future."

Rating: ★★★★★

~Tom Dillon, PLAYS TO SEE


"A Christmas Carol – As Told By Jacob Marley (Deceased) is a clever one-man show that finishes not with a festive flourish but rather with a dose of pathos that I had never considered before... the production was unique in more ways than one. I have never seen a live one-man show before. I’m used to colourful sets, transitioning scenes and actors bouncing off each other but this had none of those things and was better for it... From the moment Marley was ejected through the curtains and out of the bowels of hell, James portrayed everything else we needed. He shifted seamlessly from Marley to Scrooge while skillfully playing three types of ghost and everyone in between. The transitions between characters were quite masterful actually and whether it was an energetic leap to a new stage position or a nuanced change of stance, the audience was expertly guided through the narrative. As we drove home my wife said she felt like she was watching a man possessed as James shifted through characters. I had to agree, the physical performance was exceptional... It was a great way to kick start to the festive season.  A classic story performed superbly from an actor who has great affection for a character that wants nothing more than to convey a very heartfelt message. Superb."

~Craig Wishart, CUMBRIA GUIDE

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"The audience is spellbound; Hyland has hooked us in with his magnetic solo performance without the need for props, music or supporting actors. In an age of technology, the power of storytelling takes over and firmly grabs our attention... I really enjoyed the performance and can see why it has been recognised by the Queen for its Dickensian scholarship."

~Marisa Laycock, ST ALBANS REVIEW

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"Brother Wolf’s one man show, performed by James Hyland, is a unique adaptation, which brings a fresh and alternative edge to A Christmas Carol... Hyland’s immense presence and physicality is evident from the moment he steps onto the stage, with every movement carefully thought out and meaningfully placed with solid intention. Hyland tells the story of A Christmas Carol by physically morphing into each character, with separate mannerisms, voices and quips. The changes are fast, demanding and convincing, with entertaining methods of conveying height, personality and differences in physicality... His performance is full of immense energy which keeps the audience engaged and interested throughout... the production is entertaining and an impressive feat of physical storytelling from a talented solo performer."


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"On a bare stage set with just a chair and to the sound of the bells striking the hour, Hyland appears... He divests himself of his chains to introduce us to the character of Scrooge—whom he then takes on with just a turn of his body—and the story begins, with Hyland transforming into each character from Bob Cratchit through fiancée Belle to Tiny Tim and all the Spirits of Christmas in between with a mere turn of his head, a different stance and another accent...there is plenty to draw you into this well-observed and crafted production and every effort is made to convey atmosphere and emotion, especially in the scenes at Bob Cratchit’s house with Tiny Tim which brought a lump to many a throat in the audience... Hyland is an extremely powerful presence on stage with a rich voice that he uses to great effect. Within 75 minutes, he creates the world Dickens wrote about with skill and precision and in doing so took us with him on Scrooge’s journey of remorse and redemption... there is no doubt this is a masterful performance of this iconic tale, which drew us into Dickens’s world and sent us home with a tear in our eye and a cry on our lips: "God bless us everyone."



"this is highly compelling and riveting theatre. The pacing is excellent, steady and assured. Stamping its own authority on such a well-known story, a large number of characters are voiced, and acted, convincingly – and seemingly effortlessly. It is no mean feat to go from ‘being’ Bob Cratchit to Scrooge to Tiny Tim. A subtle breaching of the fourth wall, one of those that doesn’t actually require any audience participation (if, like me, you can’t stand audience participation in anything other than at a panto or a post-Curtain Call encore at a big musical, please be reassured), gives an added layer of engagement to this family-friendly play... A solid and faithful rendering of a famous story, retaining a freshness and vibrancy from start to finish... This is good old-fashioned storytelling at its best. The ending proved incredibly haunting, and there were echoes of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, where the father ghost figure implores his son to remember him. Here, the line is, “Remember what has passed between us this night!” That won’t be difficult. This is indeed a memorable and astonishing production."

Rating: ★★★★

~Chris Omaweng, LONDON THEATRE 1

Original Source:


"James Hyland plays Marley with stunning conviction... it is the production's minimal set, consisting of a chair, and the overall one-act performance that makes it visual and enthralling. Something that many one-act plays have failed to achieve... it gracefully captivates the audience in wanting more, waiting till the very end. The play runs for seventy-five minutes, but it does fly by and the production goes very well with the oppressive cold weather waiting for the spectators outside. Another great performance and a Christmas treat for anyone looking for an entertaining piece of theatre with a feel-good ending."

Rating: ★★★★★



"It's not often an actor can mesmerise an entire audience on his own. But James Hyland has the gift. His incredible one-man performance of 'A Christmas Carol - As told by Jacob Marley (deceased)' stunned an audience at the Sheppey Little Theatre into silence... This was heart-in-the-mouth theatre in its finest form as he delivered line after faultless line of perfect prose brought to life with exquisite detail and the cleverest of subtle mime."


Original Source: Download Here


"[One of] The top Christmas shows in London, Edinburgh and around the UK... A Christmas Carol, as Charles Dickens intended it... [James Hyland] impressively channels the ghost’s tormented soul and slips seamlessly into the characters of Scrooge and the trio of spirits... Imaginative and captivating... a truly intense experience."

~Kirstie Brewer, HIGH 50 CULTURE


"CHRISTMAS came early to Ffwrnes as a Christmas Carol was told — through the eyes of Jacob Marley. The show was brought to life with an incredible one man performance by James Hyland, who took the audience on a journey — playing many different characters — including Ebenezer Scrooge — helping to bring them to life in a unique telling of this timeless tale. James came to the theatre with a range of experience, having previously appeared in films We Are Monster and The Cake Maker and has also been seen on stage in The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. He gave what can best be described as a master class in acting as he enthralled the audience from start to finish. It was a great start to the festive season at Ffwrnes."



"James Hyland received a Fringe Report Award for Best Performer in Theatre and was nominated for a London Theatre Award in 2012 for this production - and deservedly so... James Hyland plays a plethora of characters in his thrilling one-man show. He switches effortlessly from the frightened Scrooge to the gigantic and powerful Ghost of Christmas Present only to become Tiny Tim a few seconds later. Hyland's versatility and physicality are astounding. The show is fast-paced and exciting and keeps the audience on their toes... James Hyland's impressive performance creates a whole world on an empty stage, populated by dozens of characters: Old men, young men, portly men, thin men, giants, spirits, women, children... The audience rewarded him with a standing ovation."

~Carolin Kopplin, UK THEATRE NETWORK


"Hyland’s award-winning one-man show delivers, in a masterful storytelling style, the age-old tale... Throughout the production, Hyland’s stage presence is undeniable... His fine narrative style is rooted somewhere between monologue and mimicry, where the subtleties of each separate adult, child and ghost blend and blur perfectly through the motions of Hyland’s body and voice. Each persona is distinct... Hyland becomes almost mesmerising, enveloping the audience in the tale as much through his acting as the narrative itself. 'A Christmas Carol – As told By Jacob Marley (Deceased)' is a production which enthrals at every point. Dickens’s Christmas classic is brought quite literally to life by Hyland... The deceased and oft forgotten Jacob Marley has never before been so alive."


Original Source:


"Performer James Hyland is wonderful as Marley and as everyone else – he puts on the voices and mannerisms of all of the characters, creating a compelling performance... Performing as the deceased Marley adds another dimension to the story, as we contrast the happy ending of Scrooge’s story with the eternal torment of Marley, who was not allowed a chance at redemption. The result is a darker version than usual with an unsettling ending – a hugely worthwhile piece."



"a forcefully compelling masterpiece... [Hyland] triumphantly infused the story with fresh life. Emotionally raw and at times blackly comical, his performance was outstanding... When Hyland took his closing bow, he was accompanied by appreciative whistles, cheers and a standing ovation."



"Award winning actor James Hyland is majestic in this tale of Scrooge. He performs all the characters effortlessly, including Marley, Scrooge, Bob Cratchit, Tiny Tim, Scrooge's nephew, all of the ghosts and many others including one or two female characters. He switches between the characters in such a way that you know exactly who is speaking. Each character has their own physical characteristics as well and it is easy to see why James Hyland is a much sought after actor having worked on music videos (Tinie Tempah), classical theatre (The Tempest, RSC), TV drama (Casualty) and television advertising (Persil) to name but a few. Seek out James Hyland in his one man shows."


Original Source:


"For 75 minutes of Berkoffian physical theatre and riveting acting, you’d be hard put to beat this fine one-man show... stunning voice work... Hyland can create a character - such as Scrooge’s cheery nephew Fred before reverting to Scrooge - with the merest shift of a shoulder or foot... Hyland’s howling as a grieving Bob Cratchit is unforgettable."

~Susan Elkin, THE STAGE

Original Source:


"such riveting entertainment... Hyland had the audience gripped... Characters were brought vividly to life through his dramatic actions and facial expressions, evoking all the emotion film makers spend months and millions of pounds to recreate... What worked so beautifully was the use of Marley as the storyteller... the juxtaposition between the fate of [Scrooge and Marley] leads you to question your own life... A powerful, thought provoking, and in many ways, definitive telling of A Christmas Carol."



"an astonishingly powerful performance... Hyland does this with chilling passion and, at times, humour and in recounting the story takes on the mantle of each character with alarming precision. He gives what can only be described as a breathtaking performance... The whole production rested on the sheer talent of James Hyland and really was a testament to his stage presence and extraordinary acting and storytelling talent."

Rating: ★★★★½



"the agile, adroit Hyland conjures everything through movement and voice, playing a multitude of characters in a hypnotic and intensely physical performance that is in turns chilling, humorous, surprising and ever energetic. Conducted at a cracking pace... Hyland’s story-telling is thrilling but what marks him out is his skill at distinctive characterisation, both physically and verbally. He spins story and characters alike with such dexterity... Powerful theatre indeed."

~Charles Hutchinson, THE YORK PRESS

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“Hyland tells the famous miser’s story with astonishing dynamism in palpable, eerie earnest… It’s Hyland’s performance that revolutionises the tale.  Accomplished and intense... Clearly the considerable charm of the evening owes itself to Hyland’s astonishing acting agility...  a fantastic way to re-experience Dickens’ tale and remember why the author wrote it... a vibrant re-imagination of the classic.”

~Chad Armitstead, EXTRA! EXTRA!


"This is the old story we all know and love, but this is told in a light unlike any other I’ve seen... For all 75 minutes of this highly energetic and tense rendition, James Hyland offers himself fully to the audience and clearly leaves everything he has on the stage... This is a work of art, and one that must be seen, and should be respected. I recommend this to anyone as I believe it’s something everyone ought to see... Excellent, thoroughly recommended."



“Wonderful storytelling... Watching the transformations Hyland goes through as he bounds through Dickens' strange and wonderful array of characters is fascinating... there seems to be no limit to their inventiveness... Hyland convincingly embodies each character he plays... There are a lot of Christmas Carol's around in London at the moment, this one stands out... clever, funny and powerful and so involving that you cannot help leaving with a smile on your face.”

Rating: ★★★★



"Hyland succeeds in making Scrooge’s terror real and his remorse and ultimate redemption convincing. Similarly, he movingly captures the despair of the bereaved Bob Cratchit... it is the faithfulness to the original text and serious intent of the Carol that proves its strength."



"Hyland vividly brings to life all the wonderful characters we know so well in a breathtaking performance, deftly switching roles in an instant... through his pitch perfect delivery of the lines and accomplished use of body language, Hyland really brings the book to life, with the power of his performance... this is a brilliant rendition of the classic tale. As well as being rich in theatrics, the one-man show format also captures the spirit of Dickens’ own dramatic readings... it is my sincere hope that at some point, some gifted soul will step forward to film this production for posterity."


Original Source:


"Rarely has a performer been more self-sufficient than James Hyland... Riveting make-up, in which the eyes set the scene and a costume whose manacles provided some of his own sound effects, promised much and the actor delivered. Hyland’s beautifully-paced and projected vocal range and the meticulous actions of his tour-de-force, rightly played without an interval, kept the audience spellbound. It revealed Dickens’ concern for the economic class divide to be as relevant today as it was in his time... Just when I thought I knew 'A Christmas Carol' well, here comes Hyland. Simon Callow "eat your heart out"!"



"Stunning! Remarkable! A strong and unique multi-persona production by one man!, a uniquely original tale, described with an intense passionate emotion by James Hyland... James portrays Jacob Marley in such a commanding manner, you have no choice but to listen intently and observe his dark and foreboding warnings... don’t miss out on seeing this man act."

~Roger Newbury, SHEPPEY FM


"James Hyland's chilling theatrical tour-de-force... with just a wooden chair for company, he brings to life Charles Dickens' colourful characters. With a turn and a shrug, he becomes Fred the nephew, Bob the Clerk, Belle the beloved, the bereaved Cratchits, the portly Gentleman and even Tiny Tim... The author's intentions were well served... wonderfully done"


Original Source:


"Marley’s grotesque appearance heightens the drama while, oddly, not inhibiting Hyland’s interpretation of such sunny characters as Scrooge’s nephew... James Hyland impresses, switching characters physically and vocally with great skill: the Ghost of Christmas Present echoing the mighty Brian Blessed, the voice lightening for Bob Cratchit and sliding into the East End for the traders on the Exchange"

~Ron Simpson, WHAT'S ON STAGE


"It surpassed all my expectations... scared the hell out of me... I would recommend this show and its counterpart 'Fagin’s Last Hour' to anyone"



"Incredible acting from James Hyland brings the story to life... With subtle variations in his body language to show character changes, Hyland displayed his incredible skill as an actor. This is particularly noticeable in scenes with dialogue: he swaps between characters in the blink of an eye. Or in the case of the Ghost of Christmas Past, with a jump!... It is through Hyland’s evocative acting that all the scenes are set... James Hyland is an incredibly talented actor and his storytelling kept me rapt throughout. If you are after a classic telling of A Christmas Carol, then this is perfect. I left the Tara Theatre with my Christmas spirit well and truly on its way!"



"Hyland develops distinctive characterisations for all his characters, from the portly gentleman seeking a donation from Scrooge to Ebenezer himself... Hyland ends his impressive adaptation with an implication that, if we do not change our ways, then Marley may have recourse to visit us, too."

Rating: ★★★★

~Scott Matthewman, THE REVIEWS HUB


"James Hyland is an accomplished performer... a jolly romp, with Hyland playing all the characters... Children will be enthralled"

~Paul Vale, THE STAGE


"James Hyland’s adaptation of Dickens’ classic tale of three ghosts scaring the humbug out of Ebenezer Scrooge—was told by Hyland with astonishing dynamism and simplicity to a packed out PAC. The audience was gripped from the moment the chained corpse of Jacob Marley dragged himself on the stage and stared into the audience with colourless eyes. Hyland's deathly grey makeup and costume gave him an otherworldly look. As the action unfolded, Hyland transformed himself into the many strange and wonderful characters found in Dickens’ ghostly tale. His only prop was a chair. As Scrooge, Hyland was spot on, capturing his stiff, shut-off physicality whilst making us painfully aware of the moments when Scrooge is unexpectedly immersed in long-forgotten feelings of joy, friendship and love. The Ghosts were great fun; Christmas Past appeared as a strange, croaky, shrunken figure, while Christmas Present was wonderfully large and jolly. The most frightening spirit – of Christmas Yet To Come – was wisely left to one’s imagination allowing the horror on Scrooge’s face to tell the story... Hyland left us with the tale’s familiar message of renewed hope as Marley’s chains rattled the story to an end."

~Diane Evans, Chaplain, Hereford Sixth Form College, THE REVIEW ONLINE


"James Hyland managed seemingly effortlessly to carry off so many roles, his portrayal of each clear and distinct from the other. His manner would visibly change to reflect each character, you knew who each was before he even began to speak. With energy and vigour... he dived into the ghosts, the poor and Scrooge, capturing perfectly the Christmas spirit and message of the play, just as Dickens would have done in his own one-man shows... the play was dramatic, good fun... thoroughly enjoyable."



"Hyland so versatile... The acclaimed Hyland leaps and shifts between characters, mixing humour and drama. His engaging and agile performance creates an impressive piece of physical theatre."



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